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Grey Wind

Quadruple Grand Champion 


Our Grey Wind is a seal silver sepia spotted bengal male with an extreme type and personality. This boy is something that I have honestly never seen or met before. His attitude and fantastic looks made him No. 1 at the biggest Bengal Cat Show in the World - On Safari (@ On Safari, The Netherlands, 2019). ​



Supreme Grand Champion, Regional Winner 

“Smallest ears I ever seen on a Bengal Cat!” said the judge on the first TICA Show ever held in Sweden. The year was 2022 and it was our home baked boy Minileo Minos' very first show. We always knew he had something special, with some extreme attributes that we have thoughtfully worked for, but it felt very good hearing it from an official and trained Bengal judge. It has taken some time to get babies after our male Minos, who is a F6 (or nowadays more correctly called G6), but during winter 2022/2023 we finally got to see his first two litters enter our world. 

Solana Ranch Ghost of Minileo

Solana Ranch Ghost of Minileo is our wild looking sepia spotted F5 (G5) generation male from Robyn and Jon at Quality Cats - Solana Ranch and Wildernesswell - on The United States west coast. Our boy Ghost has several very wild attributes that are rarely prioritized among the mainstream of breeders and are also quite hard to breed for and select on to be passed down in the Bengal breed. Big Thanks to this couple and breeders for choosing to do it Their Way and letting us have a great piece of their selected genetics into our breeding program. Although Ghost himself is a snow bengal, you can still see his even more light belly. He is great at passing on very nicely white tummies onto his kittens, which is a trait from the wild Asian Leopard Cat. This is not his only great trait - he also has a great pattern flow of many contrasted spots, big eyes that are set low in the face as well as both small and rounded ears. Ghost has given us some great kittens over the years and his babies have been placed as top winning cats of the years in both America and Europe. Opposite to with many other kittens, I love to take pictures of Ghost’s babies with full flash - because then you can really view and catch the wild movements. Ghost carries Apb, a gene that we today know is inherited from The Asian Leopard Cat. 

Minileo Brutus Buse

Homebaked boy Brutus Buse has a long and sleek body, highly contrasted brown spotted coat and wild looking gaze. Brutus has done very well on his first shows, and we look forward to see him grow into an adult and fully developed Bengal male. 


Brutus is a SBT Bengal (F9 or G9 - 9 generations from ALC) through our former breeding male Adabel Bengals Taro Coda who came to us from Australia 2016.


Brutus father is our Batifoleurs Pelle and mother Minileo Meryl. 

Minileo Khleo

Khleo is a confident and well built teenage girl. She has a warm glittered coat and open rosettes - similar to her 8th generations earlier great great great great great great grandparents Absolutely That Summer (U.S) and Bella Storm Pilot (U.S) which both have been two important cats in our early breeding program. We are very happy to have managed to stay in contact with all the cats and their owners in this lineage  - and happy to now that they still today is happy, healthy and screened free of HCM. 

